Poetry Slam im LK 1 Englisch

Hier die Ergebnisse des Kursvotings für die besten Werke des Poetry Slam des HP 1 Leistungskurses Englisch von Frau Schorr. Die ersten drei Plätze belegten mit 18 Punkten Spitzenreiter Faisal Tahine, gefolgt von Caglar Sahin auf Platz 2 mit 13 Punkten, vor Yannik Lüders mit 12 Punkten. Der Autor des Teacher‘s Choice Awards will zwar ungenannt bleiben, wird aber dennoch mit persönlichem Einverständnis hier veröffentlicht. Und an alle Schülerinnen und Schüler des Kurses nochmal ein großes Dankeschön für einen so motivierten und kreativen Kursstart!!!

Text: Barbara Schorr


Platz 1: Faisal Tahine
My grandma, she is always there for me
Even if I’m sad or happy.
Every time I went to her
I could smell the wonderful flowers
Even when I am there for only three hours.
When I come in I feel directly comfortable
Because she was wonderful.
If I was hungry she gave me money Or cooked something for me that’s crunchy.
When I wanted sweets
I only got a bit of it Because she was already cooking the meal…
So I decided to steal
And I went to my room and played PC and listened to beats.
Every time I was there I could feel the love from her,
cause no matter where we go, anywhere
I love my grandma from the bottom of the stair
So that’s why I wrote this poem, just for her.

Platz 2: Caglar Sahin
Did I do you wrong?
Never felt the tripping but still fell with a frown
Apparently I have not noticed that I lost my crown.

Did I do you wrong?
If yes, I can’t figure how
Because you’re telling me all this just now.

Stop playing me, you know it hurts
Your ego is pretty high, even higher than birds,
you left me thinking, that I was a king
but now I feel like a bird with only one wing.

Platz 3: Yannik Lüders
I feel the warmth when I think back
The smell of world’s best freshly baked bread
This wooden house so small and cosy
The wind outside was strong and noisy.
My grandma with me and my brother
Were in this tiny kitchen together,
Were cooking the lunch and also the dinner
The best food that I have eaten forever.

And now when I am back in the kitchen
I remember our good old tradition
Now you’re not among us
But I love to remember
This time we had together.

Teacher’s Choice: unknown artist
With a piece of paper and your company
We went to that lake to try and see
What it was they all talked about
But we were in for an adventure, there’s no doubt.

Just a few minutes till I saw
This place was the best so far
And as I looked round I realised
I’ve never used my true eyes.

I felt love, not for you but everyone
All of a sudden all my doubts were goneT
hat the world we created with pain and war
Won’t come close to what was there before.